What is Positive Reinforcement / Force Free / Fear Free Training?
- The utilization of the most humane training methods based on current Behavioral Science.
- Philosophy rooted in “When we know better, we do better.
- Believes in giving animals as much agency and choice as possible in an artificially restrictive world of domestication.
- Focuses on management of the environment and setting up for success.
- Strives to teach, lead, and reward to elicit behavior change.
- Does not believe that the ends justified the means in all cases.
- Creates emotionally as well as physically safe spaces and relationships between humans and animals.
- Believes that compulsion and pain are not justified in the name of training. It may be necessary in the name of immediate safety and emergency but not proactive training.
- Is effective and safer regardless of species being trained.
- Has been used for a long time to handle and care for large and potentially dangerous animals in zoos and aquariums.
- Puts the welfare of the animal above the arbitrary desires of the human.